Disruptive Elements: The Extremes of French Anarchism
A dense compendium of old and brand-new translations of a dizzying array of names from the individualist anarchist tendency, mostly from early 20th Century France. New translations from Wolfi Landstreicher, Shawn Wilbur, and vincent stone. Anyone who is interested in this tendency, fans of My Own, Enemies of Society, Stirner's works, etc., will find much to enjoy and fodder for future research in this book.
Translator's Introduction – Vincent Stone
Bonjour – Le Voyeur
The Philosophy of Defiance – Felix P.
Section 1. Ernest Coeurderoy (1825-1862)
Hurrah!!! or Revolution by the Cossacks (excerpts)
Citizen of the World
Hurrah!!! or Revolution by the Cossacks (excerpt)
Section 2. Joseph Dejacque (1821-1864)
The Revolutionary Question
Le Libertaire
The Servile War
Section 3. Zo d'Axa (1864-1930)
Zo d'Axa, Pamphleteer and Libertarian Journalist – Charles Jacquier
Any Opportunity
On the Street
Section 4. Georges Darien (1862-1921)
Le Voleur (excerpts)
Enemy of the People
Bon Mots
The Road to Individualism
Section 5. Octave Mirbeau (1848-1917)
Murder Foul and Murder Fair
Voters Strike!
Moribund Society and Anarchy
Octave Mirbeau Obituary
Section 6. Emile Pouget (1869-1931)
Boss Assassin
In the Meantime, Let's Castrate Those Frocks!
Revolutionary Bread
Section 7. Albert Libertad (1875-1908)
Albert Libertad – anonymous
The Patriotic Herd
The Greater of Two Thieves
To Our Friends Who Stop
To the Resigned
Albert Libertad – M.N.
Section 8. Illegalism
The “Illegalists" - Doug Imrie
An Anarchist on Devil's Island – Paul Albert
Expropriation and the Right to Live – Clement Duval
Obituary: Clement Duval – Jules Scarceriaux
Why I Became a Burglar – Marius Jacob
The Paris Auto-Bandits (The “Bonnot Gang") - anonymous
“Why I Took Part in a Burglary, Why I Committed Murder" - Raymond Callemin
Is the Anarchist Illegalist Our Comrade? - E. Armand
Section 9. Stirner's Influence in France
Stirner versus Proudhon – Maxime Leroy
The Theory of the Individual in Chinese Philosophy: Yang-Chou – Alexandra David-Neel
Le Stirnerisme – Emile Armand
Section 10. Emile Armand (1872-1963)
E. Armand as I Knew Him – Mauricius
A Picture of the Situation
The Workers, The Unions, and the Anarchists
Section 11. Pierre Chardon (1892-1920)
Pierre Chardon – Emile Armand
Intellectuals Such as They Are
The Democratic Illusion
Expansive Individualism
“Our" Subjectivism
Two Attitudes
Letters to Armand
Pierre Chardon – M.P.
Section 12. Critique of Collectivism
Individualism and the Social Question – Andre Lorulot
Reflections on Individualism – Manuel Devaldes
“A La Bastille!..." An Individualist Looks at the French Revolution – E. Bertan
The Absurdity of Politics – Paraf-Javal
Men Disgust Me – Andre Lorulot
Section 13. Free Sexuality and Naturism
The Naturists – Dominique Petit
A Polemic – Pierre Chardon
The Utopians and the Sexual Question – Emile Armand and Hugo Treni
Intro to the Real de Sade – Emile Armand the Real de Sade
Proudhon's Repressed Sexuality – Daniel Guerin
Section 14. Tout Voila