Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945 | Issue 6 | Winter 2023
Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945, has released issue six. An anthology of rare and never-before-seen essays and images from the history of egoism. Over two hundred pages of original translations, bibliographies, art, ephemera and more.
Discover rare photographic glimpses of pioneering egoists such as Dora Marsden and Benjamin R. Tucker, and delve into the visionary project to produce a Braille edition of Max Stirner's magnum opus for the indomitable Helen Keller. Unearth a plethora of fascinating artifacts pertaining to Malfew Seklew, and be riveted by the astonishing revelation of Ragnar Redbeard's brief yet impactful foray as a Canadian Socialist Provocateur.
This sixth issue of Der Geist is sure to delight and offend and most of all serve as an essential philosophical reference work for centuries to come.
Der Geist, (Trevor Blake, editor; Kevin I. Slaughter, co-editor) is an English-language journal for an international audience, publishing original scholarship on the philosophy of egoism. The journal is descriptive of the first century of egoism in print (from the 1845 publication of Der Einzige und sein Eigentum by Max Stirner to the end of 1945), not prescriptive in advocacy of egoism.
DER GEIST, The Journal of Egoism from 1845 – 1945
Winter 2023
Paperback, 212 pages, fifteen dollars
ISBN 978-1-944651-29-9
ISSN 2639-5339