Anthropomorphic Japan: The Frogs
Three Impostors: Deluxe Edition
The Shenandoah Harmony | Four Shape Note Tunebook
The Valley Pocket Harmonist | Four Shape Note Tunebook
Tak Kak's Liberty | Letters and Essays by James L. Walker for Benjamin R. Tucker’s Liberty, (1885–1903) | SA1290
Who Owns America? | Herbert Agar & Allen Tate (Eds.)
Holy Europe | Aki Cederberg
Black Blossoms at the End of the World | Invecchiare Selvatico & Nazel Pickens
Spiritual Journeys and Destinations of an Anarchist | Peter Lamborn Wilson | Two Volume Set
Inbetween the Lines: Essays on Occulture, Magic, and Seductive Zombie Strippers | Carl Abrahamsson
War of Dreams: A Field Guide to DIY PsyOps | Jason Rodgers
Strong Songs of the Dead | Th. Metzger | Ltd. Signed Ed. of 99
Strong Songs of the Dead: The Pagan Rites of Sacred Harp | Th. Metzger
Battle Hymns of Toil & Quivara | Covington "Covami" Hall | SA1283
Vox Germanica: Essays in Germanic Languages | Harris & Moynihan (Editors)
Great Man Theory | Trevor Blake
Undercover Mormon: A Spy in the House of the Gods | Th. Metzger
The Leap | Bill Hopkins
Blood and Volts | Th. Metzger | Ltd. Signed Ed. 33
Blood and Volts: Edison, Tesla, and the Electric Chair | Th. Metzger
Might is Right: The Rebel Poetry of Covington Hall... | Kevin I. Slaghter (ed)
Disruptive Elements: The Extremes of French Anarchism
Without a Glimmer of Remorse | Pino Cacucci
A Secret Hit: 150 years of Max Stirner's Der Einzige und sein Eigentum | Bernd Laska | SA1280