Arthur Desmond: A Radical Demagogue | Robert Carmonius
Autor: Arthur Desmond, Ragnar Redbeard
Editor: Robert Carmonius
Release date: January 2021
Size: 6x9"
Pages: 204
ISBN: 978-9198593280
A documentary history of Arthur "Ragnar Redbeard" Desmond's short-lived political career as a radical candidate for parliament in New Zealand. Included are the speeches and press coverage culled from period accounts.
Arthur Desmond (1859-1929), a young local Napier, a common worker, a cattle-drover, came from nowhere as ‘a representative of the small settler and the working man’ when he stood for parliament in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand in 1884. Mr. Desmond caused quite a big stir in the political establishment as an unknown candidate with his strong and radical views. He lost to Captain Russel, and came last at a third place with 190 votes against Capt. Russel’s 564, and Mr. Sutton’s 381.
This compilation will not try to say or explain anything other than what has already been reported by the press between 1884-1885. What it will do is give you Arthur Desmond’s first-ever speeches, commentary, correspondence, and articles filled with critique and praise. Poetry, and Politics—Love, and War, well, maybe not soo much love.
Later, we have learned that Arthur Desmond lived a life under many different names, one of the most notorious was Ragnar Redbeard, under which he wrote the infamous, and suppressed book Might is Right, published in 1896. Another, and much less widely known nom de plume he used for a brief period was “Keo Kaha,” a Maori signature that means Strong Point.
Enjoy this little “scrapbook,” a time-piece of the political radical Arthur Desmond. From cattle-drover to Radical Demagogue.
Paperback, 204 pages