Invisible Generation: Rants, Polemics and Critical Theory Against the Planetary Work Machine | Jason Rodgers
“This is a book of ideas and images in which the images, mostly collages, include lots of ideas coming from an independent, ultra-left perspective. Rodgers developed these ideas and honed his photocopy collage techniques over decades with mail-art flyers. Now in finalized form, these documents provide readers outside of his mail-art network access to the goings-on of underground movements that were once mostly ‘invisible.’ Aspects of these movements, notably the resistance to work, have surfaced in recent years in surprising ways and to surprising degrees.” — Lenny B.
“Rodgers’ book explores too many topics to summarize here from Nick Land to Deleuze and Foucault — subcultural particularism and stick and paste posters. The book flows with scans of Jason’s famous flyers exploring the IWW, Foot Not Bombs and the drudgery of daily life. The more nuanced critical theory is balanced with harsh deductive rants that fiercely reject the modern world. A cool book that can be flipped through and engaged with easily.” — Steven A. Kirk
190 pages, paperback