The Devil's Footprint  | Carl Abrahamsson

The Devil's Footprint | Carl Abrahamsson

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NOTE: More copies are ON THE WAY, but your order will probably arrive after Christmas.

God proposes the challenge of the millennium: if Satan sorts out the ever growing human mess on Earth, God will lovingly take him back to Heaven as his favorite Archangel. Satan accepts, and sets out on a massive operation to balance out over-population, pollution, corruption, and other severely Satanic headaches – many of which he originally helped create... Easier said than done!

Satan’s love of the ambitiously mischievous humans is challenged as his own “Team Apocalypse” fervently sets to work. But as the world begins to change quickly and dramatically for the better, a new question arises: can God and his suspicious Archangels really be trusted in this cataclysmic, cosmic undertaking?

Trapart Books, 2020. 190 pages, size 5 x 8".

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