Christianity: The Tenth Plague | Arnulf Øverland

Christianity: The Tenth Plague | Arnulf Øverland

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A thorough takedown of christianity such as Overland's 10th Plague might lack the immediacy it did when he first delivered it to a bewildered audience of university students in Oslo in 1933. We live in an altogether different world than its author, who was arrested and charged with blasphemy for it. So, although we don't live in a christian-dominated culture in the same way Overland did, we realize that a critique of religious thinking is still a worthwhile project, which is precisely what he is up to here. Lacking any directly anti-religious texts in our catalog thus far, we decided it was time to rectify this omission - a stroke of synchronicity catalyzed the project when our friend and translator, Raude, shared this unknown gem with us. Never before appearing in print in English, Christianity - The 10th Plague offers a humorous and, given the context, pretty bold take on the holiest of holies - enjoy!

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