The Unique and Its Property | Max Stirner
Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945 | Issue 4
Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945 | Issue 1
Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945 | Issue 3
Stirner's Critics | Max Stirner
Der Geist: The Journal of Egoism from 1845 to 1945 | Issue 2
Spinoza: Liberator of God and Man & Against the Rabbis | DeCasseres
The False Principle of Our Education | Max Stirner | SA1130 | Ltd.Ed.66
Nihilism as Egoism | Keiji Nishitani
Protagoras. Nietzsche. Stirner. | Benedict Lachmann | SA1090
Disruptive Elements: The Extremes of French Anarchism
A Secret Hit: 150 years of Max Stirner's Der Einzige und sein Eigentum | Bernd Laska | SA1280