The Works of Benjamin DeCasseres | Three Volumes | SA1200

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In 1936 Benjamin DeCasseres took it upon himself to try to publish as much of his own work as he could. He paid for the printing himself through “Blackstone Publishers.” In the following three years he published 23 booklets resulting in over 1,200 pages of material.
These booklets were bound into three volumes and released at The Works of Benjamin DeCasseres in a limited edition.
This trilogy is being released as three issues of the Stand Alone journal project. This is a facsimile edition, with continuous folios and tables of contents added. 

Volume One
1. Exhibitionism: A New Theory of Evolution (1936)
2. The Individual Against Moloch (1936)
3. Black Suns (1936)
4. The Eternal Return (1936)
5. The Eighth Heaven (1936)
6. Jules DeGaultier & LaRochefoucauld (1936)
7. The Elect and the Damned (1936)
8. Saint Tantalus (1936)

Volume Two
9. The Adventures of an Exile (1936)
10. I Dance With Nietzsche (1936)
11. Broken Images (1936)
12. Raiders of the Absolute (1937)
13. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 1) (1937)
14. Spinoza Against the Rabbis (1937)
15. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 2) (1937)
16. Chiron the Centaur (1937)

Volume Three
17. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 3) (1937)
18. The Last Supper (1937)
19. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 4) (1937)
20. Sir Galahad: Knight of the Lidless Eye (1938)
21. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 5) (1938)
22. Saint Tantalus (Part 2) ([1938])
23. Fantasia Impromptu (Part 6) (1938)

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