Hakim Bey: The Philosopher of Chaos| Andrew McLaverty-Robinson
The Fenris Wolf 1-3 | Carl Abrahamsson (ed.)
Dynamite | The Story of Class Violence in America | Louis Adamic (Author) | Jon Bekken (Foreword)
The Land of the Altruists | John Beverly Robinson
Spiritual Journeys and Destinations of an Anarchist | Peter Lamborn Wilson | Two Volume Set
Atassa: Readings in Eco-extremism | Issue 2
Dil Pickle Lending Library | Short-Sleeve T-Shirt
Every Cradle Is a Grave: Rethinking the Ethics of Birth and Suicide | Sarah Perry
Extinguish the Old | A.L. & V.L. Gordin
An American Wrestles with God | Benjamin DeCasseres
Southern and Miscellaneous Poems | Thos. Q. Barnes
QVIS CONTRA NOS? | Short-Sleeve T-Shirt
Animal Liberation: Devastate to Liberate or Devastatingly Liberal?
Tak Kak's Liberty | Letters and Essays by James L. Walker for Benjamin R. Tucker’s Liberty, (1885–1903) | SA1290
H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life | Michel Houellebecq, Stephen King (Intro)
Homesick for Eternity | ManWoman
THE GOSPEL OF CHICAGO | Short-Sleeve T-Shirt
Invisible Generation: Rants, Polemics and Critical Theory Against the Planetary Work Machine | Jason Rodgers
CARNIVORA The Dark Art of Automobiles
Down with the Law | Anarchist Individualist Writings from Early Twentieth-Century France | Mitchell Abidor
The Dionysian Vision of the World | Nietzsche
Black Blossoms at the End of the World | Invecchiare Selvatico & Nazel Pickens
Daddy Stories | Meg McCarville
The Lost Tune | Stanislav Szukalski