With Claw and Fang: A Fact Story in a Chicago Setting | Bernie Babcock & Trevor Blake | SA1135
Max Stirner Versus Karl Marx | Philip Breed Dematteis | SA1120
Protagoras. Nietzsche. Stirner. | Benedict Lachmann | SA1090
Elbert Hubbard's The Philistine | Bruce A. White | SA1075
Max Stirner's Egoism and Nihilism | Larry Alan Schiereck | SA1055
A Critique of Anarchist Communism | Ken Knudson | SA1030
Egoism: The First Two Volumes 1890-1892 | Georgia & Henry Replogle, et. al. | SA1023
Might is Right: 1927 Facsimile & Leaf | Ragnar Redbeard | SA1205 | Ltd. Sign./Num. Ed.
The Radical Book Shop of Chicago | Kevin I. Slaughter | Ltd. 99 Signed & Numbered Hardback
The Radical Book Shop of Chicago | Kevin I. Slaughter & Lillian H. Udell
The Red Sect | Enzo Martucci | SA1257