Egoist Encyclopedia | Wolfi Landstreicher
Wolfi Landstreicher wrote a column under this title for Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed for three years. We've compiled his entries in this pamphlet, which include, among others, "Egoism", "Anarchism, Anarchy", "God", and "Realism". In his own words: If learning is not merely about gathering bits of knowledge to spew forth as trivia, but is rather about developing the tools for critically interacting with the world, then it is an intense and playful battle of wits in which critical thinking, humor, sarcasm and mockery combine to heighten our capacities to encounter a hostile world on our own terms. In this sense, I intend this encyclopedia not to be a "chain" of gathered knowledge, but rather an intervention in the wide "circle of learning" that the development of anarchist theory and practice could be. So come, if you will, and take a walk with me. We might all learn something, and it should at least be fun.