Anarchism and Individualism | E. Armand | SA1107
This booklet, released by the Sidney E. Parker Archives and the Union of Egoists as part of the Stand Alone series, is a reproduction of one published by Mr. Parker in 1962. Contents: Publishers Note Our Kind of Individualist Anarchist Individualism as Life and Activity The Future Society In a 1993 interview, Sid gave some background on it: “…I became more and more interested in what was called individualist anarchism. I then read Max Stirner because I thought he was identified with that school—wrongly I think now, but that was the case then—and I got in touch with Armand, the French individualist anarchist, and he 'charged' me to 'reanimate the individualist anarchist movement in all the countries of the English language', which I tried to do… I published some of his pieces in English translation… I issued two as leaflets, one while he was still alive; then I got together, after he died, three of his essays, already in English, had them printed by Express Printers, and brought them out as a pamphlet called Anarchism and Individualism.”