Semi Automatic Poetry | Wolfi Landstreicher
Spanning over three decades, the magical, guerrilla wordplay of the many-masked trickster known variously as Apio Ludd/Wolf Landstreicher/Feral Faun and Apio Ludicrous restores poetry to its proper place as the insurrectionist’s shadow and emancipator of desire, and recasts the poet as a sorcerous Chaote, a lumpen Anarch and outlaw troubadour, a clown shaman and revelatory seer who senses the tidal pulse of a new epoch and becomes its herald and jester, drawing sigils for a future world of passional attraction and libertine excess. Many of the dreaming jewels contained in this collection are inlaid with feral enchantment, many are draped in Discordian insight and wit, while others challenge the docility of “political” language (and language itself), and quite a few more burst their own banks with elemental silliness. But all of these vision-intoxicated outpourings are illuminated by the blazing imaginal fire of the willful, self-creating rebel. This is poetry as an act of defiance, as the eternal enemy of Reality, as a violence against the status quo, and as a ludic zone of the imagination in which the Marvelous can alchemically materialize—making this anthology a must-read for those weary of discussing anarchy in the clichéd ways of the past.