Uncivil Liberty | Ezra H. Heywood | Libertarian Broadsides No. 8
edited by: James J. Martin
size: 5.5×8.5″ | pages: 36
Reprint of a world-famed essay, first published in 1873, in defense of legal and political equality for women and an improved social environment based on equity and mutual respect for what are identified in these days as “human rights.” Introduction by James J. Martin.
The “Libertarian Broadsides Collection.” was published by Ralph Myles Publisher, Inc. between 1967 and 1978. Edited by James J. Martin, these booklets were a serialized series of booklets reprinting (then) rare individualist/egoist tracts paired with new prefatory and editorial material.
This is not a facsimile but an "as new old stock" booklet from the estate of James J. Martin. While these are new and unread, some may show discoloration from being more than 30 years old.
- Introduction by James J. Martin 1
- Uncivil Liberty by Ezra H. Heywood 7
- photo of Ezra H. Heywood 35
- Cover of 1873 edition 36