The Manchurian Trickster | Kerry Thornly & Jason Rodgers
The Rip-Saw Mother Goose | Henry M. Tichenor | SA1285
Zann's Reprise | Peter H. Gilmore | 3rd Printing, Lt. Ed. 501
Ladies of the Mob | Ernest Booth, Christopher Mealie (intro) | Lt. Ed. 99
Immorality as a Philosophic Principle | Paul Carus | SA1230
Man-Eating and Man‑Sacrificing | Anon. (1885), Slaughter & Blake | SA1217
On Active Service | J.A.Andrews | SA1210
The Dionysian Vision of the World | Nietzsche
Animal Liberation: Devastate to Liberate or Devastatingly Liberal?
Extinguish the Old | A.L. & V.L. Gordin
Christianity: The Tenth Plague | Arnulf Øverland
Nihilism as Egoism | Keiji Nishitani
There Is No Free Society | Georges Palante
The Land of the Altruists | John Beverly Robinson
Egoist Encyclopedia | Wolfi Landstreicher
Democracy: Creative Stupidity | Benjamin DeCasseres
Men Disgust Me | Andre Lorulot
What is Man's Destiny? | Laurance Labadie & Mark A. Sullivan | SA1060 | Lt.Ed. 66
The Nietzsche Movement in England | Oscar Levy | SA1095 | Ltd. Ed. 66
Ludovici's Zarathustra | Anthony M. Ludovici | SA1115 | Ltd. Ed. 66
For Life | Alexandra David-Néel