Christianity: The Tenth Plague | Arnulf Øverland
Nihilism as Egoism | Keiji Nishitani
Egoist Perspectives on Civilization
The Liberty of Egoism | E. Horn
Lived Poetry: Stirner, Anarchy, Subjectivity and the Art of Living | John Moore
Infinite Variety: Writings By Individualist-Anarchist Women
There Is No Free Society | Georges Palante
The Land of the Altruists | John Beverly Robinson
Egoist Encyclopedia | Wolfi Landstreicher
Democracy: Creative Stupidity | Benjamin DeCasseres
Men Disgust Me | Andre Lorulot
Neither Lord Nor Subject: Anarchism and Eastern Thought
Chiron the Centaur | Benjamin DeCasseres
The Walford-Parker Exchange | SA1035 | Lt.Ed. 66
What is Man's Destiny? | Laurance Labadie & Mark A. Sullivan | SA1060 | Lt.Ed. 66
Superior Mutants: A Manifesto
Rebuilding the World | John Beverly Robinson | SA1070 | Ltd.Ed. 66
Egoist Ecologies
The Nietzsche Movement in England | Oscar Levy | SA1095 | Ltd. Ed. 66
Anarchism and Individualism | E. Armand | SA1107
Bovarysm: The Art-Philosophy of Jules de Gaultier | Ellis & DeCasseres | SA1110
Ludovici's Zarathustra | Anthony M. Ludovici | SA1115 | Ltd. Ed. 66
The False Principle of Our Education | Max Stirner | SA1130 | Ltd.Ed.66
Major Problems of Universal Living (Introduction) | Ralph Borsodi