Strong Songs of the Dead: The Pagan Rites of Sacred Harp | Th. Metzger
The Red Sect | Enzo Martucci | SA1257
The Radical Book Shop of Chicago | Kevin I. Slaughter & Lillian H. Udell
The Radical Book Shop of Chicago | Kevin I. Slaughter | Ltd. 99 Signed & Numbered Hardback
A Hymn to Satan | Giosue Carducci & Robert Merciless
Might is Right: 1927 Facsimile Edition | Ragnar Redbeard
Might is Right: 1927 Facsimile & Leaf | Ragnar Redbeard | SA1205 | Ltd. Sign./Num. Ed.
Rival Caesars: A Romance of Ambition, Love, and War | Ragnar Redbeard
The Collected Satan
GUN FAG MANIFESTO | Hollister Kopp | Jim Goad
The Truth About Tristrem Varick & Mr. Incoul's Misadventure
Dirty Reader
Sorceries and Scandals of Satan
Las Escrituras Satánicas - Hardback
Las Escrituras Satánicas - Slipcase
The Sublime Boy: The Poetry of Walter DeCasseres
IMP: The Poetry of | Benjamin DeCasseres
ANATHEMA: Litanies of Negation
Fantasia Impromptu & FINIS | Benjamin DeCasseres
Men versus the Man | H.L. Mencken & John Derbyshire
The Gospel According to Malfew Seklew | Sirfessor Wilkesbarre & Trevor Blake
Infernalia | Michael Rose
Outbursts of Everett True | Condo, Raper & Blake