Egoism: The First Two Volumes 1890-1892 | Georgia & Henry Replogle, et. al. | SA1023
New York is Hell | Ben DeCasseres
Las Escrituras Satanicas | Peter H. Gilmore | Esta edición del 10º Aniversario
The Satanic Scriptures | Peter H. Gilmore | The 10th Anniversary Edition
Stirner's Critics | Max Stirner
A Critique of Anarchist Communism | Ken Knudson | SA1030
Angles on Anarchism (Exp./Rev.) | George Walford + Trevor Blake
Max Stirner Bibliography
Freedom: My Dream | Enrico Arrigoni (Frank Brand)
TL;DR – The Best of Odd Things Considered | Anita Dalton
Max Stirner's Egoism and Nihilism | Larry Alan Schiereck | SA1055
Beggars of Life | Jim Tully
Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre | Poems, Essays, Sketches and Stories, 1885–1911
Elbert Hubbard's The Philistine | Bruce A. White | SA1075
In the Sky | Octave Mirbeau
Millenarian Rebels & A Crime Called Freedom | Writings of Os Cangaceiros, 2 Volumes
Fulminations: Caustic, Cosmic, Capricious | Benjamin DeCasseres
Protagoras. Nietzsche. Stirner. | Benedict Lachmann | SA1090
Lucifer's Lexicon: The Portable L.A. Rollins | (Re)Expanded & Revised
The Anarchists: A Picture of Civilization at the Close of the Nineteenth Century | John Henry Mackay
The Right to Be Greedy | For Ourselves
The Black Riders and Other Lines | Stephen Crane
From Mazas to Jerusalem | Zo D'Axa | Wolfi Landstreicher (trans.)
The Myth of Natural Rights: The Portable L.A. Rollins | L.A Rollins