Rival Caesars: A Romance of Ambition, Love, and War | Ragnar Redbeard
Wildcat Banking | Benjamin Tucker, et. al. (German)
IBSEN als Verkünder des drittes Reiches | Rolf Engert (German)
Christ as a Social Reformer & Writings in Red | Arthur Desmond, Ragnar Redbeard
The Unique and Its Property | Max Stirner
ANATHEMA: Litanies of Negation
Fantasia Impromptu & FINIS | Benjamin DeCasseres
Men versus the Man | H.L. Mencken & John Derbyshire
The Gospel According to Malfew Seklew | Sirfessor Wilkesbarre & Trevor Blake
The Occult Technology of Power | The Transcriber
The Rise & Fall of the Dil Pickle Club | Franklin Rosemont
Anarcho-Pessimism | Laurance Labadie
An American Anarchist | Life of Voltairine de Cleyre | Paul Avrich
Individualist Anarchism / Revolutionary Sexualism | Emile Armand
Enemies of Society | An Anthology of Individualist & Egoist Thought
Novatore | Renzo Novatore
Egoism: The First Two Volumes 1890-1892 | Georgia & Henry Replogle, et. al. | SA1023
Stirner's Critics | Max Stirner
A Critique of Anarchist Communism | Ken Knudson | SA1030
Angles on Anarchism (Exp./Rev.) | George Walford + Trevor Blake
Max Stirner Bibliography
Freedom: My Dream | Enrico Arrigoni (Frank Brand)
Max Stirner's Egoism and Nihilism | Larry Alan Schiereck | SA1055
Selected Works of Voltairine de Cleyre | Poems, Essays, Sketches and Stories, 1885–1911